A seat at the final table or lose half your stack? Lodge Club brought crazy Mystery Bounty rewards

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Doug Polk is a well-known name in the poker world, and in addition to his success in tournaments and investigative work on YouTube, he is also the owner of several poker rooms in Texas. And one of them will be the main topic of this article today.

We'll take a look at the Lodge Card Club in Austin, where the Wecky Weekend of Poker series took place a few days ago, bringing 6 tournaments over the course of three days. However, the most interesting one was the special Mystery Bounty Chaos with a buy-in of $300, where players could draw various tournament advantages or disadvantages in addition to prize money.

Wouldn't you want to secure immunity from elimination in the tournament, or a guaranteed seat at the final table? Yes, the mystery envelopes in this tournament contained such special perks as well.

We all know it, after the turn we're rejoicing over a winning hand, and the river comes and completely buries us. What if you could arrange a river card exchange? Although it sounds like science fiction, this was also one of the benefits contained in the mystery envelopes.

In addition to the aforementioned rewards, players could also pull off things like the following: re-entering the game, winning tax-free, adding an average stack, never paying the small blind, being able to swap a seat or table, having two boards dealt, and there was a $5,000 cash prize as well.

To make the tournament even more interesting, however, players could also draw penalties in addition to the prizes. These included, for example, that a player lost half of his stack, couldn't check or raise a whole orbit, couldn't play one orbit, or didn't get a dealer button for one level.

According to a video posted by the card club itself on its social media, players enjoyed these rewards and penalties, and there was a great atmosphere in the tournament. Would you accept such perks or punishments in Mystery Bounty tournaments, or are you in favour of keeping purely financial rewards? Let us know in the comments on our social media.



Source - Lodge Card Club, Facebook