This downright unbelievable offering in the latest episode of Joey Ingram's podcast in collaboration with Doug Polk himself. After a hiatus of almost a year, these two players have teamed up to tell us a little more from the world of poker in 2024.
The podcast starts off on the topic of Polk's training program and a discussion of his Cardroom. Later on, they gradually move on to Polk's upcoming appearances in various High Stakes sessions. The conversation, however, took off when they started discussing Postle's emergence on the scene. You can read more about the matter in this article:
Polk refers to Postle as one of poker's biggest villains. And although Postle's name was rehabilitated in court and his guilt was never officially confirmed, he remains a cheater in the eyes of many professional and amateur players alike. Ingram, however, admitted that he was in contact with Postle after the whole affair broke. He felt it was important to keep in touch with Postl and hear his opinion on the situation, even if no one believed him. Polk responded that he wondered when he would ever try to clear his name.
Doug Polk wants to interview Postl and discuss some of his hands
Ultimately, however, Polk said he was not 100 percent convinced of Postl's guilt or innocence. He admits that there is a chance of his innocence as far as the allegations are concerned. Therefore, he was happy to invite Postl for a personal interview and discuss with him in person some of the hands and the way he handled them or his reasons for doing so. He would also like to invite him to his club, The Lodge in Texas.
Polk revealed that he would also offer a free bankroll with the option to keep any winnings. If he could beat the field of players at his club then maybe Polk would believe that Postle was innocent. Postle, thus, could play for free and clear his name at the same time. Whether he'd be willing to take it, however, is questionable.
Source - YouTube, Twitter (X), PokerNews, VIP-grinders