IPO Liechtenstein: Marcel Behrendt claims the IPO master title

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The IPO Master final took place yesterday in Grand Casino Liechtenstein were 14 players out of the initial 215 sat down at the tables at 2pm with the goal of winning the trophy and the first place bonus prize of 44,280CHF. As we mentioned in our article yesterday, Swiss player Dritan Kaleci was the chipleader before the final day. The first 10 players were in addtition to the financial bonus also awarded the ticket for the Wolf Highroller worth 1,100CHF.

IPO Liechtenstein: Dritan Kaleci is the chipleader IPO Liechtenstein: Dritan Kaleci is the chipleader

Final table

The final table welcomed 9 players of which Dritan Kaleci was slight chipleader. Marcel Behrendt was one of the players with shorter stack, but despite that he was able to make it to the top 3 alongside well known Andreas Fröhli and already mentioned Kaleci. These three discussed a possible ICM deal, but the negotiatons were not successful. After the game restarted at three players, Kaleci was able to eliminate Fröhli, who finished third for CHF22,080 + Wolf HR Ticket.


Before the heads-up, Marcel Behrendt and Dritan Kaleci made a deal, that secured both players CHF35,265. They still had to play for the trophy and additional CHF5,000. In this heads-up, the German was the luckier one and in the last hand of the evening opened with 8 8 which was followed by a 3-bet by Kaleci with K J and after both players went all-in. The board T 3 9 5 T secured the trophy along with CHF40,265 for the winner Marcel Behrendt.

Source: pokerfirma.com, eurorounders.com