WPT Prime Slovakia heads into Day 2 with 95 players

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The World Poker Tour Prime series returned to Bratislava after one year, bringing players from Central Europe the opportunity to compete for the prestigious title. Although a number of trophies have already met their owner in Bratislava, the main one is still to come. Yes, we're talking about the trophy from the WPT Prime event, which at €1,100 buy-in guaranteed €500,000.

The fate of the half-million dollar guarantee was to be finally decided on Saturday's event, which was preceded by 342 entries (39 advancing). The expectations of the strongest flights were met to the letter, with Flight 1E producing 305 entries and the final turbo contributing a further 85 entries. As a result, the half-million guarantee was surpassed and thanks to 732 entries, the players will share a prizepool worth almost three quarters of a million euros!

A total of 95 players have battled their way through the 6 opening days and will jump into today's Day 2 with the certainty of a €1,920 mincash. But the biggest prize money, led by the €108,210 prize money awarded to the champion (+ trophy and a package to December's WPT World Championship), won't be handed out until tomorrow's final day, where only the top nine players will make it through to the final day. You can find out who they will be with us, as we'll be bringing you a closer look at the second day of play in our Live Report!


1. Andras Matrai HUN 1,360,000
2. Konstantinos Nanos GRE 1,350,000
3. Dennis Gerschengoren   984,000
4. Nicola Karl GER 798,000
5. Ran Shahar ISR 767,000

Source - WPT, Flickr, CardCasino